Communication Security In a New Dimension
Discover secure solutions for critical communication from VISIONCUBE.
Our mission is to continuously invest in the development of knowledge and expertise in critical communication and video conferencing systems. We share our skills to support the implementation of secure and reliable communication. By raising awareness of potential threats, we help design and maintain systems that enhance collective security. We believe that through our efforts, we contribute to improving the safety of citizens and the nation.
How We Operate
Solution Design
Equipment Delivery
Software Configuration
AV Systems Integration
Service and Maintenance
Expansion and Modification
Security A Priority Above All
To ensure maximum security of our solutions, we implement advanced technologies, including SD-WAN. This approach enables us to provide flexibility and reliability in data transmission by utilizing various communication mediums such as WAN, GSM, and Starlink. As a result, our solutions are resilient to failures and guarantee uninterrupted operation, even in the event of the loss of one transmission channel.
Advanced Technologies
Transmission media
WAN, LTE/5G, Starlink
On-Prem Conferences
AV systems
We are ready for new challenges, prepared to meet your needs.
Strategic Partners
Thanks to our strategic partnerships with leading industry companies, including Pexip, HP&Poly, Microsoft, and Peplink&Starlink, we provide our clients with access to the latest technologies.
Platinum Partner
Peplink & Starlink Solutions Provider, Peplink Gold Partner
Pexip Gold Distributor
Advanced Pro Partner
Gold Partner
Platinum Partner
Collaboration with renowned partners not only enables us to continuously enhance our solutions and expand our expertise but also allows us to adapt flexibly to the dynamically evolving market needs and the requirements of our clients.
Strategic Partners
Thanks to our strategic partnerships with leading industry companies, including Pexip, HP&Poly, Microsoft, and Peplink&Starlink, we provide our clients with access to the latest technologies.
Platinum Partner
Peplink & Starlink Solutions Provider, Peplink Gold Partner
Pexip Gold Partner
Advanced Pro Partner
Gold Partner
Platinium Partner
Collaboration with renowned partners not only enables us to continuously enhance our solutions and expand our expertise but also allows us to adapt flexibly to the dynamically evolving market needs and the requirements of our clients.
VISIONCUBE is, above all, a cohesive and well-matched team of people.
Professionalism and passion are the two main qualities that form the foundation of our work. Through solid collaboration and full commitment to every project, we effectively tackle the most significant technical challenges. Our extensive experience in the IT industry enables us to take on even the most complex tasks.

Andrzej Rzepecki
CEO, Solutions Architect for Pexip, Peplink, and Starlink.

Zygmunt Łodziński
Vice President of the Board, COO

Wojciech Labocha
Vice President of the Board, CTO

Jacek Chęciński
Vice President of the Board, CIO

Anna Chmielnicka
Authorized representative, CFO

Arkadiusz Żołądek
Director of Implementation and Service

Rafał Leśniewski
Strategy and Development Consultant

Jolanta Tomaszewska
Head Accountant

Anna Kędziora
Logistics Specialist

Beata Czerniejewska
Office Manager

Julia Hatalska
Marketing and Administration Specialist

Marcin Derecki
Senior Account Manager

Tomasz Czernecki
Account Manager

Jakub Stępniak
Account Manager

Kinga Paciuch
IT Solutions Architect

Michał Subotowicz
Senior IT Solutions Architect

Paweł Cebula
Senior AV Solutions Architect

Dominik Janik
AV Solutions Architect

Adam Wójcik
Senior AV Solutions Architect

Paweł Jaworski
Service Specialist

Andrzej Gozdek
Senior Solutions Architect

Marcin Kujawa
Service Specialist

Patryk Jastrzębski
Junior Service Specialist

Marcin Szopa
AV installation coordinator

Dariusz Nawrocki
AV installation coordinator

Mateusz Nalepka
AV installation coordinator
Imię Nazwisko
Do VISIONCUBE trafiłam ponad 9 lat temu, więc już od dawna jestem tu zadomowiona na dobre. W pracy twardo stąpam po ziemi, opiekując się firmową skarbonką i dbając o to, aby od strony papierowej wszystko funkcjonowało prawidłowo. Do biurokracji jednak jeszcze nam daleko – bo moja praca ma umożliwiać sprawne działanie firmy, a nie paraliżować jej przedsięwzięcia. Dobrze odnajduję się w zadaniach wymagających cierpliwości, skrupulatności i staranności.
Dla równowagi, po godzinach bujam w obłokach – oglądam filmy i czytam książki science fiction i fantasy, pogłębiam swoją wiedzę o kosmosie, bawię się w rękodzieło i gram w gry planszowe. Jestem osobą spokojną i stonowaną, bez skłonności do ryzyka, ale z drugiej strony chętnie skoczę ze spadochronem, zanurkuję w morskie głębiny i przejadę się najwyższą górską kolejką. Lubię jedzenie (ale nie gotowanie), porządek (ale nie sprzątanie) i tropienie zagubionych przecinków w publikowanych tekstach.
Built on Passion
The solutions we offer often originate from passion. Members of our team actively participate in rescue groups in our region.
It is during search and rescue operations that we identify real needs, addressing which significantly improves the management of such missions and often contributes to their success.
As VISIONCUBE, we provide personal, technical, and financial support to the Volunteer Air Rescue Service (Lotnicze Ochotnicze Pogotowie Ratunkowe), of which we are co-founders, and the Volunteer Fire Brigade Search and Rescue Group Myślenice (OSP GPR Myślenice).
Participation in real-life operations is a true source of inspiration for us in our daily work.

Innovations That Help
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a vital part of VISIONCUBE’s operations. By collaborating with us, you are helping those in need in Africa and the Middle East. Our employees are actively engaged in the work of the InnovAid Foundation.
Sustainable Development
We support local initiatives and are committed to sustainable development. For years, we have been proud to serve as the Technology Partner for the Kraków Football Kings team.

13 years
Projects Delivered:
Employee Commitment
101 %
300 k
Maintained Infrastructures
Conference Rooms